It's mad the things that people throw out! I've collected little bits and bobs over the years, mainly for the little one such as a toy fire station, Disney princess kitchen, a little table which I'm planning on up-cycling, a gardening fork. I've also been collecting pallets.
This is one of my favourite things above: a toy storage box. There are stickers all over the back which is possibly why they didn't try to sell it, but you can't see them so I don't mind! I carried it back, gave it a good scrub and it looks fab in my dining area. I love keeping toys tidied away! And believe it or not I had been looking online to buy a white toy storage box but they were proving to be so expensive.
Oh and the little toy washing machine on top was also something that was being thrown away by a neighbour. It needed a good clean but works perfectly, the little bit sticking up on the top gets pushed down and the drums spin round.
My friend was popping over the other day and texted me to ask if my daughter would like the above dolly's highchair that her neighbour was throwing out. I showed my daughter and obviously she said yes! She immediately got her baby doll and a selection of toy food to feed her.
I always knock on the door and check that I can take it in case they have left it out for someone to collect.
Getting something that's useful to you for free is the best feeling! xx
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