Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Homemade croissants, pizza & cleaning

Want super easy homemade croissants? I got these from Lidl for 89p, they come in a tin, you just separate them, roll them and pop them in the oven. My daughter was very happy!
We made pizzas from scratch for lunch which are really simple to make and my daughter loves putting the tomato puree/passata and cheese on. She also loves eating them! The price for ready made pizza from the shops is quite frankly ridiculous to me. Even worse from Domino's! My step brother was spending £25 a week (!!) on Domino's on a Friday night for himself and his son as a 'treat' until my mum suggested that they make their own pizza, which he agreed to especially as his son would not eat it all anyway!

Today has been a "no spend day" just spent in the house mainly playing Barbies with my daughter, she just loves playing families with them. I've also been squeezing in as much cleaning as I can. The extractor fan above the oven was cleaned (it was full of grease, blurgh!), kitchen cupboards scrubbed inside with soapy water as they were getting a bit grimy as well.
My daughter even suggested cleaning her toys so we did that and then she wanted to clean the TV unit as well so I let her carry on with that - start them young!
I always feel much better when my house is tidy and in order and try to do this as cheaply as possible xx

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