Sunday, 27 March 2016

How to have a cheap Easter Sunday

...let your sister in law cook for you! Only joking, although it was lovely of her and her boyfriend to invite us over for Sunday lunch. Saved me money on a meal for us and I always think the more we are out of the house the less electricity etc we use.

I had some Easter egg hunt arrows left over from last year which I placed down the stairs in the morning at our house to lead my daughter to the mini eggs I had scattered about and some Easter eggs that my husband had bought. We didn't get Easter eggs for each other. I also hung up some bunting that I've had for years.

I made an Easter game! I got the idea off Pinterest. I cut up some cardboard, drew a rabbit on it with a marker pen and cut out holes. I had bought some orange felt, cut it out, filled with rice and sewed up to make felt carrots. Didn't have any green felt so I cut out green card that we had in the crafty cupboard and glued it to the carrots for the topping.
The aim of the game is to throw the carrots through the mouth and tummy! My daughter absolutely loved it and spent ages playing with it. She even insisted on making a baby bunny one and drew a baby rabbit on some cardboard which we cut out.

We had a lovely time with family all day which is the most important thing. My daughter was over the moon that the Easter bunny visited her xx


  1. I have just discovered your blog and am really enjoying it.
    I working my way through your posts, getting to know you.
    Good luck with your goals, you have a great attitude and will succeed I know that. Hope a job works out for your brother.
    Pam in TX.xx
