Sunday, 3 April 2016

Checking use by dates & cheap socialising

The eggs have a use by date of 2nd April and I would usually throw them out but I've started testing them for freshness by placing them in a jug of water and seeing if they lie flat on the bottom (fresh), are on the bottom but standing up (still ok but needs to be eaten soon) or floats to the top (bad egg).

I tested all the ones left and they are still ok to eat. Got to use them up today! Pancakes for breakfast, cupcakes later and possibly scrambled eggs for lunch.
Not wasting food is very important, I am usually pretty good at not throwing stuff out but always a bit nervous about things like eggs so having a way to test them is great.

I've been trying to think of ways that I can still be sociable but not spend a lot of money. I do enjoy going "out" and being around people but it can add up to a lot of money if you're not careful. I need to try and do this more as I can feel a bit isolated not having a car, working from home for years.
Last night my friend and I went out to 'town', she drove, we found a free parking space and we drank a glass of lemonade! We went out for a few hours, wore clothes we already had in our wardrobes and had a lovely night. So we still went 'out' but only for the cost of a lemonade xx


  1. Eggs, if kept in the fridge, last longer than you think. I made scrambled eggs this week with eggs that were from last February! They were perfectly OK.
    Going out but not spending money is possible as you've found out with just the spend on a lemonade. Have you a local museum, perhaps with a café? You could just shell out on a cup of coffee, and maybe chat to people? When I was much younger, I joined the National Women's Register and that gave me an opportunity to meet people and have fun without it costing anything at all.
    Margaret P

  2. PS I'm doing this email in two parts because I tried a longer email earlier and there seems to be a time limit set for writing a response and I lost it all. Never mine ...
    Another suggestion is to join a local club or some kind, perhaps a choir? I used to be in a choral society and that was great fun (until I had bronchitis badly and my voice 'went' forever.) Also the local library - perhaps if you are still lucky enough to have a library, there might be a notice board for clubs of various kinds in your area that you could reach without a car?
    Margaret P

    1. Wow, February last year? That's amazing! I do keep mine in the fridge :-) we usually use them quite quickly but I clearly haven't been doing enough baking, ha! I have my daughter with me in the day time usually so this makes it a bit more difficult xx

  3. No, Money Saving Mum, from February this year, as in "last February",i.e. just over a month ago. I'd not eat them if they were a year old ... well, I don't thin I would, har, har!
    Margaret P

  4. We have a National Trust Membership and often go up to properties with friends or family, and we bring a picnic made up of odds and ends from home. Total cost is a bit of petrol.

    I go to my library once in a while and get books for craft projects, cooking or reading. I wonder if setting up/joining a book club might be a good free activity. I suppose the only cost would be tea/coffee/wine/snacks when it's 'your night' to host!

    1. How much is the National Trust membership Mina? I can do more things like that now I have a car (well, it's mine as of tomorrow night when hubby picks up his new van!) xx
