Monday 28 March 2016

Eeking out every last bit!

Above is a photo of my shampoo, shower gel and toothpaste. The shampoo and shower gel are upside down to get every last drop out, and the toothpaste has been cut at the bottom to get the last bits out. Say no to waste and yes to saving your pennies! Next to them is a dehumidifier which I got in the poundshop to help with mould in the bathroom (our window doesn't open very well).

Today has been a quieter day with a trip to the park and a walk with my daughter. This Easter weekend has been so lovely with spending time with the family. I have seen lots of things pop up with my friends going to the cinema, out for food, out for drinks etc over the bank holiday and we have not done any of those. I can honestly say I haven't missed any of it because I've enjoyed having the time off with my loved ones.
My brother is going to be paid weekly in his new job so I've been working out how much to put aside each week from the rent to pay for certain things. I have a list with the dates and amounts on! It's slightly different this coming month because I'm going to budget for getting my hair done.
My mother in law bought me some flowers for Easter! Aren't they beautiful xx


  1. Wonderful post and great ideas. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Doesn't everone turn bottles upside down like this? I do it with the rapeseed oil (expensive stuff) I use for cooking, in the kitchen. I make sure that it can't topple over though as these bottles were never designed to be turned upside down, the manufacturers don't want us to use every last drop, do they? Of course, we oldies have been brought up by parents who lived through the last war and rationing, so we learned how to save on such things at our mother's knee, so to speak.
    Margaret P

  3. My bathroom shelves are much the same. I can't stand waste. I'm glad you've had a relaxing weekend. Beautiful flowers. Lucky lady. X

    1. Thanks Jules, hope you had a good weekend too xx
