Tuesday 29 March 2016

Food Shopping & library

I did the food shopping this weekend in Lidl again. I love it in there. It was busier than it's been before but I only had to wait behind one person in the queue which makes a nice change to a big supermarket chain. I only wish I had an Aldi near me too as I hear good things about it.
I was so happy that it came to £67.34 for 2 weeks worth, even though it was more than my last shop I stocked up on some things and got some extra bits because my husband has requested a cake which I haven't made before that he saw in a magazine that my mum brought round.
Also as you can see I got hubby some steak which he had last night with homemade chips. The cling film is the first I've bought since moving here as I've realised it'll be handy to have some to hand.

My budget for food is £100 maximum every 2 weeks. I could just about manage to get under this when shopping at Sainsbury's! So even if I do £70 every 2 weeks then I get £60 under my food budget for the month. I realise I can just reduce my food budget for the month but I prefer to budget in the absolute maximum and do my best to get way under that amount without foregoing some of the bits that fussy husband wants! We all snack and I personally have a very high metabolism and need to eat every 2-3 hours or my body starts shaking like mad! It's really annoying and I feel sick and dizzy if I try and miss a snack (went to the doctors as thought I must have diabetes, lots of tests but doctor said it's a common thing?!) so I have to have snacks every day, just cheap ones though.

I was also quite proud of the fact that we normally have 3 x 4 pints of milk per fortnight but because I added water to the milk we managed to use only 2 and no-one noticed that the milk was different!

We went to the library this morning before coming home for jacket potatoes for lunch. These are the books we brought back. They also had a little Easter Egg hunt there and my daughter did some colouring too. Unfortunately though they told me the library hours are being reduced as of next week. They are closing an extra day in the week and are opening at 11am now.
Sadly for us this means the only day we can go to the library during the week will just be Monday's because my daughter is in nursery (free hours) 2 days and the library will be closed 2 of the other days of the week. Such a shame! We love our library xx


  1. How sad that your library will close 2 days in the week starting next week. At least you can visit on Monday.

    You are doing well on your food budget. Does this include feeding your brother?


    1. It's a shame isn't it, I just hope it doesn't close all together. Thank you, no he pays for his food but I've helped him a bit this week and got him to do a meal plan. I feed 2 adults (fussy husband!) and my 4 year old who almost eats adult portions! xx

  2. There was a bit on the news about how many librarian jobs have been lost in the country. Luckily since Suffolk County Council handed over the running of libraries to a voluntary charity our libraries are often open longer hours because of having loads of volunteers

    1. I really hope they don't start closing a load of them xx

  3. You do well with your shopping. I'm always on the lookout for ways to reduce our shopping bills. X

    1. Thanks Jules, I want to try and do better though. How much do you spend on yours? xx
